The bloom of a peony is an incredible show. Peonies burst with energy and excitement after a cold and dark winter. Peonies are big flowers with big personalities. Long, strong stems. Vibrant foliage.
The peony is named after Paeon, a student of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing.
Peonies are native to Asia, Southern Europe and Western North America.
Peonies have been used and cultivated in China since early history. The Peony is a traditional floral symbol of China. It is known as the flower of riches and honor.
Intensive breeding of peonies in Europe started in the nineteenth century.
The Netherlands is the largest peony cut flower producing country with about 50 million stems each year.
The Peony is the state flower of Indiana.
Alaska is an emerging source of peonies in mid to late summer. Unique growing conditions due to long hours of sunlight create availability from Alaska when other sources have completed harvest.
Cultivars' Peonies are grown in Europe, Pennsylvania and Alaska.
Keep your peonies looking their best by following these tips:
Slice the stems at an angle.
Put the peonies in a vase with cool water. Remove all foliage below water level.
Arrange flowers in a vase. Leave ample room for the flowers to fully open.
Change the water daily. Each time, add some flower food and trim the stem ends.
It does not hurt the flowers to have more water in the vase as long as the leaves are not in the water.
Keep in a cool place, with natural light.
Enjoy the show!