Care and Handling
Your Cultivars delivery comes directly from the grower packaged in original growers' boxes.
To keep your flowers fresher longer, follow these simple steps:
The flowers will be thirsty upon their arrival. You will be tempted by these beauties to remove the packaging, but DO NOT. Your flowers will perform best if they are allowed to drink fresh water in their original packaging for at least 4 -8 hours. It is OK to leave overnight in a cool environment.
1. Remove the bunches of flowers from the box.
5. Allow the flowers to drink and rest for 4 hours or more in a cool environment.

10. It may be necessary to remove some leaves above the vase line to give the flowers room to show off.
See how the flowers look crowded with none of the leaves removed. A little trim goes a long way.
11. For longevity, change the water daily and trim the stems.
12. As flowers mature, keep cutting them and transfer them to smaller vases.
For more information on vases, check out the "Vases" blog post.